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Homeschool Workshops

Connect Classroom Concepts with Your Creativity!

CREATE at Arizona Science Center®'s Homeschool Workshops explore beginner woodworking, laser cutting and 3D printing. Through two-hour sessions, the experts at CREATE will guide homeschoolers through the creation process of a take-home keepsake, safety best practices, and tips and tricks.

These workshops are Arizona State Standards-aligned. Concepts listed below for each workshop. Please email CREATE@azscience.org to learn more about exact standards.

Woodworking 101

June 3 | 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
June 10, 17, 24  | 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Add woodworking to your toolbox of creative skills with CREATE! Homeschoolers will dive into hand tool woodworking by learning how to use a hand saw, drill and other tools during this two-hour, beginner-level workshop. Learn how to measure and mark wood, tool safety, sanding and polishing, and create a finished product to take home.

Arizona State Standards Concepts

Academic Standards in the Arts: Equipment Safety Procedures, Proficient Use of Materials, Equipment Care, Craftsmanship

Arizona Mathematics Standards: Measuring the Length of an Object, Using Appropriate Tools Strategically, Partitioning Shapes into Parts with Equal Areas, Recognizing Lines of Symmetry for Two-Dimensional Figures

Homeschoolers ages 8-13 must be accompanied by an adult. Closed-toe shoes required.


Laser Cutting

$25 | Ages 8+ | 2 Hours
June 3, 20 | 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
June 6, 13, 17, 27 | 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Add laser cutting to your toolbox of creative skills with CREATE! During this two-hour, beginner-level workshop, homeschoolers will explore the process of etching designs using lasers. Our expert CREATE techs will walk you through tool safety, material exploration, the preparation of etching areas, how to cut lines in CorelDRAW and make a laser-cut creation to take home.

Arizona State Standards Concepts

Academic Standards in the Arts: Equipment Safety Procedures, Proficient Use of Materials, Equipment Care, Craftsmanship

Arizona Educational Technology Standards: Goal-Setting and Reflection, Expert and Peer Networking, Feedback Examination, Age-Appropriate Technology Exploration, Research Techniques, Digital and Non-Digital Tools in the Design Process, Creation of Original Works, Utilizing Technology to Achieve Goals, Peer Feedback Integration, Troubleshooting Technology, Improve Research Strategies for Creative Pursuits, Constraint and Risk Examination, Open-Ended Problem-Solving, Repurposing Digital Resources into New Works

Arizona Mathematics Standards: Understanding Relative Unit Sizes, Drawing Points, Lines, Line Segments, Rays, Angles and Perpendicular and Parallel Lines, Classifying Two-Dimensional Figures

Homeschoolers ages 8-13 must be accompanied by an adult.


3D Printing

$25 | Ages 8+ | 2 Hours
June 10, 20, 24 | 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
June 6, 13, 27 | 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Add 3D printing to your toolbox of creative skills with CREATE! Explore the software, learn tips and meet the machinery used for 3D printing throughout this two-hour, beginner-level workshop. By the end of the workshop, homeschoolers will know how to effectively slice STL and OBJ files using Cura and PrusaSlicer, understand layer height, infill and understand the use of supports, load and unload filament, care for the print bed, and create a 3D-printed keepsake to take home.

Arizona State Standards Concepts

Academic Standards in the Arts: Artmaking, Equipment Safety Procedures, Artwork Detail, Goal-Setting, Equipment Care, Artistic Review and Discussion, Art in Culture, Artistic Investigation, Craftsmanship

Arizona Educational Technology Standards: Goal-Setting and Reflection, Expert and Peer Networking, Feedback Examination, Age-Appropriate Technology Exploration, Research Techniques, Digital and Non-Digital Tools in the Design Process, Creation of Original Works, Utilizing Technology to Achieve Goals, Identify and Develop Online Networks, Troubleshooting Technology, Improve Research Strategies for Creative Pursuits, Constraint and Risk Examination, Open-Ended Problem-Solving

Arizona Mathematics Standards: Understanding Relative Unit Sizes, Strategically Use Tools to Solve Math Problems

Homeschoolers ages 8-13 must be accompanied by an adult.

